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AirScrobble for iPhone and iPad

Requires: iOS 15.0 or later

Price: Free with optional subscription

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AirScrobble is a scrobbler for iOS and iPadOS that logs the songs playing around you in real life. By seamlessly integrating the powerful music discovery capabilities of Shazam with the music logging service of, AirScrobble allows you to log your new discoveries in real-time, whether you’re at a concert, listening to the radio on a road trip, or when the playlist in the store you’re visiting is right up your alley.

AirScrobble is laser-focused on making its core feature, music discoverability and logging, as easy as possible. It provides a simple and streamlined interface, while also allowing for powerful customization to fine-tune your experience.

Main Features

  • Music Discoverability: Start discovering new music by tapping a button to listen to what’s playing around you. When a new match is found, the song takes center stage, but the app is always ready to start a new match session right after
  • integration: By signing in with a free account, you can quickly start logging all your new discoveries, add them as Loved Tracks in your profile, and see more details about the current match on’s website
  • In-Device Music Discoverability: AirScrobble can also be used to identify what’s playing on your iPhone or iPad, allowing you to match and scrobble any songs from music apps, videos, voice memos and even from your social media feeds, even if you’re listening through AirPods or any other headphones
  • Auto Match: You can identify and scrobble new songs continously with the powerful Atuo Match feature. By pressing and holding the record button, AirScrobble will ceaselessly listen for new discoveries and scrobble them, even when the app is in the background. The app will help you stay on track through banner notifications or with the Live Activity widget in the lock screen, that beautifully blends in with what’s playing, or in the Dynamic Island. Just toggle on Auto Match and let the music play while AirScrobble does the heavy lifting
  • History: AirScrobble automatically saves all songs matched to your History page, making it easy to remember that tune you heard earlier. Additionally, you can scrobble all your past discoveries and all your entries are synced on your devices with iCloud.
  • Apple Music Integration: Quickly view all your discoveries, whether recently matched or from your history, in Apple Music and add them to your library through a playlist. The app can also be setup to automatically save new discoveries to the playlist, which can be great to quickly convert mixtapes playing on a stereo on the fly or add radio tracks on your library
  • Auto Scrobble: Set up automatic scrobbling for new music discoveries. You can adjust the timer to ensure the app waits long enough to confirm a match before scrobbling, preventing any mismatches.
  • Siri integration: Easily discover new songs hands-free with AirScrobble by using your voice with Siri. Just say “Name this tune with AirScrobble” to let the app identify what’s playing around you or on your device and then scrobble the song that has been matched. You can also use Siri to quickly open your History page in the app
  • Shortcuts support: Integrate the suite of functionalities from the API in your shortcuts and automations. With the actions available in the Shortcuts app, you can effortlessly start access music and profiles data, get trending tracks on and even scrobble a new entry, allowing you to scrobble songs from an even wider range of sources than before.
  • Support for latest iOS features: AirScrobble aims to be a great iOS citizen by adapting many of the latest features available in the platform, such as Lock Screen Widgets, Live Activties and App Intents
  • Privacy-focused: AirScrobble doesn’t store any recordings or share your discoveries with any third party services


AirScrobble+ is an optional membership to unlock all features in the app. All users, free and paid, can use AirScrobble to match and scrobble as many songs as they want

Plan Price (USD)
AirScrobble+ Monthly $0.99 per month
AirScrobble+ Yearly $7.49 per year
AirScrobble+ Lifetime $24.99 one time purchase

Included for AirScrobble+ members

These features requires an AirScrobble+ membership

  • Auto Match
  • Live Activities for Auto Match
  • Full History Access

Included for everyone

These features are included for all users

  • Music Discoverability
  • integration
  • Auto Scrobble
  • Apple Music Integration
  • Siri
  • Shortcuts

What people are saying about AirScrobble

“I generally like the distraction-free design. While Apple’s Shazam app advertises the link to its own streaming service and other music after a song has been recognized, AirScrobble is immediately ready for use again.” - Alex Olma,

“This app is awesome! It let me convert my old mixtapes into Apple Music playlists. It is also great for scrobbling radio tracks to And you can create a shortcut for recording to make it even easier in use.” - *App Store Review

A main upside over apps like Shazam and NowPlaying is the auto Scrobbling to It puts the artwork front and center, and includes options to view the track in “Music” or add it to a playlist. The prebuilt Siri Shortcuts are also really cool.”* - App Store Review


How much does AirScrobble cost?

AirScrobble can be downloaded for free and the core functionality of music discovery and scrobbling can be used free of charge. Users can optionally subscribe to AirScrobble+ to unlock all features through a monthly/yearly subscription or a single-time purchase

Which devices is AirScrobble compatible with?

AirScrobble is compatible with iPhone and iPad devices with iOS 15.0 or later.

Is a account required to use AirScrobble?

No, you can make use of the music discoverability features and manage your history without an account. However, in order to scrobble your songs and make use of some features, such as the API Shortcut actions requires a free account.

Is AirScrobble available for Mac?

No, AirScrobble currently does not have an app for macOS devices, nor have it’s iOS app available for Macs equipped with Apple Sillicon